Kindling the community flame.

Community Activation

Collaborate with your community to expand everyone’s influence and reach. Reconnect with past customers, graduates, or members. Let’s rekindle their connection with your brand.

Make time to gain greater impact and reach in your community.

Alumni Database Management & Segmentation: Organizing and segmenting your alumni data for targeted outreach and engagement.

Re-engagement Campaigns: Designing communication campaigns to rekindle interest and inspire renewed interaction.

Mentorship & Volunteer Programs: Creating opportunities for alumni to contribute their expertise and connect with current members.

Exclusive Benefits & Offers: Providing special perks and discounts to incentivize alumni engagement and loyalty.

Community Advocacy Programs: Encouraging alumni to become brand ambassadors and share their positive experiences with others.

Community Building: Fostering a sense of belonging and connection among alumni through events, online forums, and social media groups.

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Growth Driver: Identifying opportunities to re-engage alumni and leverage their network for brand advocacy, analyzing alumni data to segment and tailor communication strategies, and measuring the impact of alumni engagement on brand awareness and recruitment.

Capability Builder: Building alumni relationship management systems and communication tools, developing training programs for alumni engagement teams, and fostering a culture of alumni connection within the organization.

Innovation Catalyst: Creating unique alumni networking events and online communities, exploring partnerships with alumni-led initiatives, and leveraging alumni expertise to develop new products or services.

Brand Storyteller: Rekindling alumni connections through nostalgic storytelling, showcasing alumni achievements and contributions, and building a narrative of shared history and future possibilities.